A resource for members, partners and friends
Let’s inspire visitors to love 1066 Country as much as we do
You can now access original narrative material designed to promote 1066 Country. Here are the thoughts, ideas and tools you need to get started.
Working together we can build enthusiasm for 1066 Country, improve the visitor experience, increase visitor numbers and support local business.
But we need to tell a new and consistent story about 1066 Country, its places, people and origins — something that makes it relevant, inspiring and special.
Read about how we got here...
Our story will:
help locate the destination for visitors / spell out the richness and diversity of the area / promote the destination all year round / reflect today and challenge outdated perceptions / encourage a new generation of visitors / grow the tourism economy and opportunities for local businesses
How our story works
Our story is made up of a strong and distinctive proposition — 1066 Country of Origin — and a series of narratives that you can use in your own communications and marketing material. You may find it useful when developing experiences and services to offer visitors.
Everything has been designed to give you a starting point. It’s all about creating a positive experience for our visitors. Please read through the toolkit in its entirety.
There is a distinctive badge, together with supporting straplines that you can use on products, packaging, signing, advertising and collateral.
The information comes in two forms:
Explanation and commentary
These are marked by this icon:

Usable files
These are marked by the download icon.

Click on the button at the end of the text to download each file.
There are eight components that you can refer to and access via the menu:
1. Our proposition
This is the underlying message that forms the base for all 1066 Country communications and marketing activity. This may not be changed or adapted.
2. Our key narrative
This is the 1066 Country story in a nutshell. You can use this as it is, or edit it.
3. Our four themes
These are focused themes to help you develop your own messages and stories. You can use the themes as inspiration. You can also use the downloadable text as it is, edit it or adapt it as necessary.
4. Our place stories
These are short, evocative descriptions that capture the spirit of nine towns and villages in 1066 Country. You can use place stories as they are, or adapt them as necessary.
5. Our badge
This is for you to use on your own material to signal your involvement with 1066 Country. The badge may not be changed or adapted. Please follow the guidelines.
6. Our straplines
These are supporting messages you can use in communications and marketing to reflect and promote 1066 Country. You can use them as you feel appropriate.
7. Our tone of voice
This is how we want to speak to our audiences, so that 1066 Country comes across in a consistent and appropriate way.
8. Our imagery
This is how we want you to create your own photographic and video imagery to reflect the way 1066 Country is today.
Read about how we got here